Love Knows No Limits

Love Knows No limits

This quilt started with the simple idea of making a quilt with at least one heart on it somewhere. I thought it would be fun to make the heart big, but not very obvious. From there, the quilt sort of designed itself, according to what fabrics I already had and what design changes seemed necessary along the way. For example, I was planning on only quilting around the circles, but found I needed something else around the edges because there weren't enough circles out there. That turned out great, because those lines of quilting gave me the quilt's title.

Date: 2008

Size: 42" x 39"

Materials/techniques: cotton, silk, nylon. machine appliquéd and quilted.

Shown: Southern Illinois Artisans Center, Whittington IL, 2008. Fine Art of Fiber, IL, 2008.

Price: $1100.

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